Tuesday, November 25, 2008

India Somali pirates released the ship to sink photos

According to Indian media reports, the Indian Navy announced on the 24th of the Indian Navy stealth ships, "tabar" on November 18 in the 385 sea miles southwest of Amansarr to sink a picture of the mother ship by pirates in Somalia. Picture show, "tabar" the use of officers and sailors aboard the A-190 "Puma" 100 mm guns to the pirates opened fire on the mother ship, the pirates shot in the mother ship on fire. Indian Navy on November 19 said in a statement, "tabar" The Indian Navy officer 18 requests a pirate mother ship stop for inspection, then the pirates have "tabar" opened fire. Pirate mother ship deck, some carrying guns and grenades just the pirates. "Tabar" returned fire, the mother ship so that the pirates have taken place in a series of bombings, an explosion may be due to the pirates on board the mother of ammunition have been caused by detonation, followed by pirate mother ship sank. "Tabar" subsequent to the mother ship by pirates in two speedboats in the vicinity of the activities carried out in pursuit, followed by naval officers found that the pirates give up a speed boat, a speedboat while another fled Chen Yese. "Tabar" stealth frigates to adopt a unique shape and design of stealth coating, you can avoid enemy radar detection, the implementation of covert operations. "Tabar" load of 3850 tons fully loaded, with the vertical launch of the "Club-N" missiles, to crack down on 10-220 km of submarine and surface targets; also equipped with a one-tube 100 mm A-19 0 " Puma "guns can be effective against air, sea and land targets. In addition, the ship will also carry a "card -31" anti-submarine helicopters. "Tabar" was also the first to install a range of 290 kilometers of the supersonic "Brahmos" anti-ship cruise missile frigate.

  “塔巴尔”号隐身护卫舰采用了独特的外形设计和隐身涂料,可以躲避敌方的雷达探测、执行秘密行动。"塔巴尔"号满载负荷为3850吨,装有垂直发射的"俱乐部 -N"导弹,能打击10至220千米内的水面目标和潜艇;还装有1门单管100毫米A-19 0"美洲豹"舰炮,可有效对抗空中,海上和陆上目标。此外,舰上还将搭载1架"卡 -31"反潜直升机。"塔巴尔"号也是第一艘安装射程290千米的超音速"布拉莫斯"反舰巡航导弹的护卫舰。